
Was this wrong of my boyfriend’s parents to do?

I’m 19 and I live with my 22 year old boyfriend. I moved from Missouri to Indiana to live with him in March 2010. His parents didn’t like it at all.
They are pretty well off because his dad owns a business with franchises all over the US and a few in other countries. I come from a family that is pretty much the opposite. Growing up we barely made it by and it wasn’t unusual for the power to be shut off because my parents couldn’t pay the bill. Our families are different in every way possible. His parents are strict and religious. When they found out we moved in together they flipped even though he was 21. They told him "you just don’t do that! marriage comes first!" and every time I went to dinner at his parents’ house it was the most awkward situation ever because I knew how much they disapprove of the situation.
My parents are super laid back and they parent based on a couple rules, if the kids are safe and happy don’t butt in, and let the kids make their own mistakes. This has always been the way they raised me.
So in September my boyfriend and I moved to Florida fed up with everything in Indiana and so he could get his old job at a great company back. My parents supported the choice even though I would be farther but his were mad.
We went through some financial struggles and hes asked his parents for money (for food, a broken car, and one time rent) a few times and they’ve given it. I am completely against them helping in any way since they always mention how they feel like they’re supporting us sometimes and rightfully so, I feel like we need to just go to a food pantry if we need help and not rely on them every time we’re broke.
Yesterday my bf asked his dad for 20 bucks for gas to get to work. His dad always puts way more than my bf asks so he gave 75 bucks. They got into a huge fight about me needing to move home and his dad blamed money troubles on me. My bf said no of course. Then late last night I get a call from my mom. My bf’s dad called my dad begging my dad to convince me to move home. My dad said he’s not interfering but this made me so mad. I felt like my privacy had been violated. He is trying to be so controlling that he called MY dad (who he’s never met even though he had a chance when my parents visited me in Indiana. He didn’t want to meet them.). He googled his number to try to get what he wants. What makes me most mad is that he didn’t even think to call me and went straight to my parents.

TLDR: Is it wrong of my boyfriend’s dad to call my dad who he’s never met to try to get my dad to convince me to move?

I’ve considered calling him or facebook messaging him to just say "Please don’t contact my family when you have an issue with me. Heres my number."
@grandma you obviously didn’t read the whole thing. I said I’m against his parents helping. We didn’t leave Indiana because of his parents we left because our roommate was harassing me and my boyfriend got a better job.

Thats a tuff one. but i think overall you are right. i mean i understand its hard for a religous parents to let go, but calling your dad was so uncalled for. that was childish, to beg and move his son back. if i where you i would just be the bigger person and call him and try to fix things. and if that doesn’t work then atleast you no that YOU tried. and im sure your boyfriend will respect that, and maybe later on his parents will to.

6 Responses to “Was this wrong of my boyfriend’s parents to do?”

  1. Kaleb says:

    You have to understand that he is trying to make the best life for his son. Yes, it is underhanded and he shouldn’t have done it. But he loves his son very much.
    Try to keep it together. Work hard. Just don’t waste your cash and invest it well, you should be fine.
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  2. LoveANIMEfreak says:

    Your boyfriend’s dad is very wrong usually if someone had a problem with u they would tell u but NO! he has to call your dad tht really unnessary i agree with the facebook messaging if u ever meet him just say tht i make your son happy and u like hate me talk with him maybe he will understand
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  3. PA girl says:

    Thats a tuff one. but i think overall you are right. i mean i understand its hard for a religous parents to let go, but calling your dad was so uncalled for. that was childish, to beg and move his son back. if i where you i would just be the bigger person and call him and try to fix things. and if that doesn’t work then atleast you no that YOU tried. and im sure your boyfriend will respect that, and maybe later on his parents will to.
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  4. Michael Dins says:

    I think that this is disrespectful and rude of him to blame the money troubles on you and I think that it is wrong of him to contact your Dad and not you. If I were you I would send his Dad a message giving him your number.

    Maybe it would be best if you and your boyfriend met with his parents and your parents and discussed it. I know it would be akward but at least you can clear the air and get it over with.

    Good Luck
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  5. Quentin Williams says:

    Obviously, your bf’s parents are full of arbitrary, they will not accept such girl who they do not like, no matter how much their son love this girl .
    So, if you insist with him, you are doomed to learn patience, and even live very hard. Maybe you will be better after your economic independence.
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  6. grandma ellen says:

    Yes, his father stepped beyond the bounds. However your boyfriend is creating this "power" his father feels entitled to by borrowing money from him!
    Leave it alone…for now.
    My question is,if you two think you are so mature that neither of you want to justify your choices as to your living arrangement, then why are you running away from his parents but more then willing for them to help? Obviously you two are not ready for marriage and an adult life.
    Can’t have it both ways, my dear!
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