
how to start a home based business?

ok so i need to know how i can start my own home based business and how to get the money for it. I would also like to know some suggestions for home based business. i am unemployed and dont have a job and cant get one. how can i do this is it even possible.

It’s always possible. You just have to be persistent and creativity is helpful too. First thing is to look at the obvious stuff. If you have a lawn mower start knocking on doors and offering to mow lawns.

I got started in real estate investment by "bird dogging". I would find properties for real estate investors and get a finders fee. I still do it now when all my money is tied up. You can also get referral fees for finding tenants/buyers for them.

After you get a little money up you can start wholesaling. That’s where you get the property under contract and sell the contract to another investor. There’s a certain way you have to go about doing it so that you don’t end up losing the earnst money you put up and are able to sell the contract.

There are tons of other things you can do. Just think about what you are good at or what you enjoy doing and figure out a way to charge people for it.

I recently started blogging about working from home and home based businesses. I’ll probably be doing some articles on bird dogging and wholesaling soon. I’ve got some other articles about home based jobs too. Email me if you want me to let you know when I post the articles.

8 Responses to “how to start a home based business?”

  1. samomoi says:

    u can begin to earn money and saving money with ptc/ptr
    i think that this link can help u
    References :

  2. Zammin says:

    This profession generates 30 billion dollars a year in sales in the U.S alone.

    It is an industry in which many people have been successful. However, it takes hard work and a desire to help people. The best business in the world is one in which it makes peoples lives better.

    It has two educational videos on money: "Learn How the Wealthy got that Way" and "Brilliant Compensation"

    It is non hype and does not promote anything.
    References :

  3. jace says:

    i first thought of this a long time ago and decided to do other things. Heres the list:

    create a very attractive website with a catchy name. and learn to blog so you can be more social around the web meaning creating more traffic for your website

    make it legit meaning get a state business license, trademark your business name, DBA your business, and more do some research

    create a business plan. once you finish a business plan present it to a bank to get that loan. if u are looking $35,000 i recommend micro loan and if your are looking more then that then i recommend going to a bank. are more helpful on this topic

    if you didn’t invent anything. try buying wholesale of your choice and make profit on your website. have a basement at your house is a plus or turn your guest room or your room as a stocking room of your merchandise.

    theres alot of things you need to go through and research you need to do in order to be successful and be legit. I’m trying to persue my own business and its taking me a year just trying to get a business loan. goodluck.
    References :

  4. Radha says:


    Almost everyday it seems you see advertisements on TV, on the Internet, in newspapers, and in magazines for items like flat screen televisions, video game systems, kitchen gadgets, popular movies, home entertainment systems, major appliances, and more.

    These huge companies that promote these products are spending millions of dollars annually to generate interest and buzz for their products.

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    I hope this will provide correct solution for you.

    References :

  5. Proud Parent <3 says:

    A great home based business is I am now a stay at home mom thanks to them 🙂
    I’d consider checking them out.

    Good Luck!
    References :

  6. Steve says:

    If you are new to the home business arena, be prepared and don’t expect it to be a source of immediate income unless you are planning to do some type of free-lance work and have plenty of connections to get you started in a specific specialty.

    The majority of home business owners get involved in some type of network or affiliate marketing, and the choices are endless. Also…the major trend is toward online marketing and e-commerce. Again…be prepared and don’t fall into the trap of believing every promo out there that promises thousands of dollars a month within a very short period of time and thousands of hot leads begging to do business with you. Not that it is not possible — just not likely, unless you are a highly experienced online marketer and already have numerous automated systems in place. Do your research for the best companies with which to identify yourself.

    Finally, as with any business venture, a good system for branding yourself and marketing and managing your business (or businesses) is absolutely vital. 97% of home business owners fail for lack of this final step. Naxum – a company that has been developing and managing custom online marketing/management web sites and systems for individual network marketing companies for nearly a decade — has developed a powerful generic but extremely cost-effective system specifically to provide all the tools, education and training necessary for the beginning as well as the more experienced home-based business owner, whether you are a network marketer or just have a product or service you want to provide and promote online, as well as off line. I use the system myself and am still uncovering the vast resources and tools available within the system. For more information, you are welcome to visit my personal site at
    References :

  7. I Write Articles says:

    It’s always possible. You just have to be persistent and creativity is helpful too. First thing is to look at the obvious stuff. If you have a lawn mower start knocking on doors and offering to mow lawns.

    I got started in real estate investment by "bird dogging". I would find properties for real estate investors and get a finders fee. I still do it now when all my money is tied up. You can also get referral fees for finding tenants/buyers for them.

    After you get a little money up you can start wholesaling. That’s where you get the property under contract and sell the contract to another investor. There’s a certain way you have to go about doing it so that you don’t end up losing the earnst money you put up and are able to sell the contract.

    There are tons of other things you can do. Just think about what you are good at or what you enjoy doing and figure out a way to charge people for it.

    I recently started blogging about working from home and home based businesses. I’ll probably be doing some articles on bird dogging and wholesaling soon. I’ve got some other articles about home based jobs too. Email me if you want me to let you know when I post the articles.
    References :