
Am I closer to being a republican or a libertarian?

I know this is long but please bear with me.

I think America should commit itself 3 goals: paying off the national debt, finding cures for cancer, and becoming and staying energy independent.

I am pro-life. Oppose abortion unless the pregnancy threatens the mother’s life. Like slavery, this is a situation that is probably only resolvable trough the constitutional amendment process.

I have no problem with marijuana being decriminalized because so far, people haven’t died from marijuana poisoning like other drugs. I’d also like to see steroids and payote decriminalized.

I support a “his body his choice law” that would set an age of consent so a baby couldn’t be circumcised. And I know there will be religious objections to this one. But we don’t let the Muslims cut the clitorises off of baby girls, we don’t have to tolerate the Christians and Jews cutting the foreskin off of babies. If a person of age requests one, fine. But don’t it to a person to young to consent.

I don’t think the FCC has any business deciding what content is OK and what is indecent. That should be left to the viewers and listeners at home.

Just like ignorance in the law is no excuse, I think “the media made me do it” is no excuse for commuting a crime. No jury should entertain the idea that a rap song or a video game made someone go shoot somebody. Human beings have brains and are not empties out there walking around awaiting instructions.

I oppose helmet laws for motorcyclists as well as seatbelt laws for adults.

I think capitalism is the best tool of combating poverty and improving the quality of life the human race has found so far. It isn’t perfect, but is better than all the other economic systems.

I don’t think a church should have to worry that the IRS is going to come and take away their tax-exempt status because they say things the government doesn’t like.

I think education is a state level responsibility and there should be no federal department of education. Schools don’t work like fast food franchises. What works for a school in San Francisco might not work for a school in Utah. The school should be funded and run by the local school board and the state board of education. Not by someone in DC 4000 miles away.

I don’t think we should have to spend so much money running US military bases all over the world. We need to start closing the ones in stable regions where the threat of war in the next 10 to 20 years is extremely unlikely.

I oppose public bailouts of the private sector.

I think a state should be able to decide who is married. I’m not for the amendment to tell the far left states, they can’t decide who is married. And don’t think states should be forced to accept gay marriage from other states.

I think eminent domain is a horrible thing that shouldn’t be invoked unless absolutely necessary. And never to develop private property.

I support Internet neutrally and oppose bandwidth caps.

I think the endangered species act should be repealed because it doesn’t protect the animals, it just gives the government control of other people’s land.

I think people should be allowed to invest their social security in a Roth IRA. And it should be more like a savings and investment plan people own. Not money we pay in on so congress can dip into it as they see fit.

I oppose closed party primaries. All they are doing is attempting to capture them into their party. All I think a political party is, is a private organization that runs people for public office.

I think private citizens’ caring concealed weapons is a good thing that detours crime. And gun laws are counter productive because only the good guys care to follow them. The bad guys do what they want anyway.

I am totally fine with adjusting the drinking and gambling age to 18.

I support women’s rights to breastfeed in public places.

I support hunter’s rights.

I think an era where a black man can be elected President of the United States proves we don’t need affirmative action laws.

There is no reason why congress needs to regulate Major League Baseball or any other sport. That is not the role of government. Sports are private organizations owned by businessmen and entertain the public. And I don’t buy that preserving the integrity argument. What would congress know about integrity anyway?

After a natural disaster, government has a responsibility to rebuild public property and provide emergency aid. However, government should not be rebuilding private property.

America needs to be more like France and use more nuclear power. For Pete’s sake, 80% of France uses it!

I oppose laws that restrict what types of pornography may be sold to adults.

I oppose the digital millenium copyright act. I would like to go back to the copyright laws of previous eras. Like you can copyright something for 14 years and renew it once. Then it goes into public domain. Which was our first copyright law. Also I think “fair

You are more of a Libertarian than a Republican.

10 Responses to “Am I closer to being a republican or a libertarian?”

  1. BlueBird says:

    You sound liberal to me ha ha.

    We will never find a cure for cancer. Proven fact. We can’t even cure a cold, why not try small and work our way big? Because all those foundations are bs and just sucking our nation dry.
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  2. I got your hope and change. says:

    You are more of a Libertarian than a Republican.
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  3. chevypirate00 says:

    You’re closer to Republican that libertarian. So am I. I would be a Libertarian if I thought they had enough of a power base to make a difference. One thing you are not….stand up and take a bow…..a mindless, sycophantic liberal you are not!
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  4. KevinM says:

    You’re a Republican. Definitely not a libertarian.
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  5. pastor of muppets says:

    Libertarian, I guess, but you have some strange views that don’t really fit with either party…like that circumcision stuff (you realize they do that at such a young age for a reason, right? ).
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  6. absteal says:

    Well I got through the 1st couple…… It seems you don’t really know or understand what you want, out of society…. One thing you say is OK, but then something else very similar is not Ok…..

    For example: What if some pothead was out driving a motorcycle and got in a major accident??? it is OK for him to smoke (Because he has a prescription) But he doesn’t have to wear a helmet…..

    So you would rather have a circumcision when you are like 12 versus 24 hours old???????????? You should probably delete that one….
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  7. SilverPhoenix says:

    You’re both.
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  8. clear clutter says:

    I didn’t read the whole thing but think you should be a republican unless you want to look more deeply into the issues…you sound very young with out much life experience….you say it is ok for a mother who’s life is in danger to have an abortion but what would you judge that by,what a Dr, says…do you know how many people died before abortion was legal by suicide, using hangers, going to back ally abortionists? Democrats research, they know people, they are tuned in to understand, they have sharp intuition…you have too may reasons you believe something but you have not done the work to see what is behine the law….wearing a helmet is not about what is pleasurable. Do you have car insurance well, it is a lot cheaper if someone does run up a million dollars in bills from not wearing a helmet…So I would suggest you really get into the many levels of why people are for or against something. Fox news uses brainwashing so aviod that cause you won’t learn anything CNN does a lot to educate people & MSNBC has shows like Count down & Racheal Maddow to give you honest info. but not have to listen to Rush & Fox for the gossipy kind of stuff.
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  9. D-N-C says:

    I agree with many of your views, but not all-a big surprise huh. Anyway, I think that you sound a little borderline of the two-kinda where I end up, but maybe a little more libertarian.
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  10. Connor says:

    Life isn’t about what’s fair. It’s about what’s equal.
    Laws don’t pass on "fair".

    You do have some conservitive beliefs however you need to understand that there is a difference between being liberal and democrat and being republican and conservitive.

    I think you are a Democrat personaly. For the most part.
    Also you don’t have a very good idea on how the real world works.

    And as a guy who grew up in a military family I can tell you that cuttingmilitary funding would mean getting rid of people’s health care, pay, retirement plans an benifits. (people meaning people in the military, retired military and veterans.)

    How would you like it if someone took all that away from you?

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