
i want to find a legitimate home based business can someone help me or give a website to one?

Good luck with that most all of them are scams in one form or another.

5 Responses to “i want to find a legitimate home based business can someone help me or give a website to one?”

  1. T L says:

    Good luck with that most all of them are scams in one form or another.
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  2. dwightl.geo says:

    there aren’t any. don’t you think that if there was a way to do that everyone would already be doing it.

    the people that tell you about these programs are the only ones making money from them by simply getting you to give them your money.

    people that really know what they are doing don’t have to work for a living. and believe me they don’t sit around all day waiting for the chance to share it all with you. no way they are going to tell you some lies so they don’t have to share it with you.

    the world has enough suckers. we don’t need you to be one too.
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  3. radzuan says:

    do you know what people use internet for? are they just staring at colorful website and have fun once awhile. or they use it to get stuff they need cause internet can make their life easier finding it? so that is the legitimate home based biz a biz where you make other people life easier. but you need knowledge and hard work to do that. and one more thing in internet your popularity makes your money. and the most thing you should learn is the art of recognizing scam. a scam is a common thing when a lot of thing has something in common then it is a scam and that is what i believe.
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  4. SWEETS says:

    I have been working with Arbonne for a few months and like you I didnt want to start something and be in a contract where if it did not work I would be out the money invested. I like Arbonne because I do NOT have to even sell the product. I do not have to Stock the product. The cost is $29.00 a year and This is for materials to get your business started or if you just want the discount Arbonne offers for yourself. I have become addicted to this and love hosting parties. I now enjoy the time with my kids at home and make extra money in the mean time. You can do this at home or aong side your current job. If you need information you can email me and I can help you out with any concerns you might have.
    I hope this helps you some and good luck
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  5. Rob says:

    Fortune Hi Tech Marketing with the Dream Weavers Team is a home based business. We have a real team atmosphere and help each other to succeed. After all, it helps us if you succeed so wouldn’t we do that? Fortune has a wide variety of services that are used daily by millions of people. Check out our opportunity by visiting my profile. All of my contact information is available there and I’d be happy to talk with you and answer any questions. Thanks!
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