
Archive for the ‘home based business franchise’ Category

how was denying the vote to non-home owners justified in Northern Ireland?

In the days when those in Northern Ireland who did not own homes, the vast majority of them Catholics, were denied the vote, how was this justified by the authorities? Presumably there must have been some statement or official answer for this, and/or the issue must have been raised at some point? What kind of […]


What do you think about food franchises?

Is it a good investing? Is it slow? I’ve heard there are food franchises such as Subway that start at $78,000. Please tell me how this business work and if it’s something you would recommend to a person who is starting in business. Most fast food franchises are reporting growth and continue to be extremely […]


Why do companies expect to get quality employees whilst insisting on paying them minimum wage?

Or barely above minimum wage. I know a guy who owns several Wendy’s franchises. He constantly complains about not being able to find good workers. "Well, what do you pay them?" I asked. He said that his assistant managers would make around $12.5 and the regular workers minimum. The General Managers can make a fairly […]


I’m looking for a Genuine home based business, are there any around?

Not one of these "My name is Brad Fictitious and I bought a Huge Yacht and a Ferrari in three weeks, please send me $90.00" type of things. Looking for a genuine part time job that can be done from home in spare time, absolute minimal outlay. Looking to earn extra income to help pay […]


What are the significant elements that home business owners use to support themselves besides money?

8 Significant Elements to start working on your own Home Based Business. 1. Home Based Businesses boom right across the continent and also worldwide — There is no more corporate nor an employee loyalty; corporate greed is looking after its own interests only; many a CEO is performing very poorly but still getting paid huge […]