
Advertising Your Home Based Business the Affordable Way

Having a home based business is great – you can set your own hours, work in your pajamas, and be there for your children and your family at any time. So, when it comes down to it, advertising your home based business the affordable way is an absolute must, because you normally have a small budget, to start with.

You have to be able to draw people in, and you need customers in order to have your website work. You have to have traffic to, whatever site you have, for your home business, and this is important to do, no matter what type of home business you have.

However, not a lot of people that start up a home based businesses are wealthy to start with, and you might find that you don`t really have a budget for advertising. But if you have just started your home based business you might look for an affordable way to advertise, to keep your budget. It is very important to set up a budget, when you start a business online or offline, and to keep the budget.

There are many ways to get lots of advertising but it must be affordable for you. There are things that you can do with limited funds, to make sure that you are getting the customers that you need. First of all, you have to be sure that you are putting up advertising in the correct place.

Are you having a business from home that caters to just your area, such as a hair salon or a photography businesses? If so, then your advertising should be in print, because you don`t need the whole world to see it.

If you are localized, don`t bother spending your money on internet advertising, just do print advertising with your website on it. This is the best way to advertise, and you can always do this affordable by finding a cheap place to have posters and business cards made up.

Advertising your home based business the affordable way could also be fun, because you get in touch with a lot of people when you hang up posters at your local supermarket.

Some of the best advertising in the world is FREE. The best place for your business to be positioned is to be the business on the tips of the tongues of the people asked to make the referral. Tell Your Friends, Family & Everyone You Can About Your new business. It`s called word of mouth. You can do it in person, with a personal letter, a phone call or with an Email.

When your friend is asked to make a referral, they will recommend you. When people ask your friends for a referral and your friend mentions your business, that is passive referral networking.

Active referral networking is when you can get your friends go directly to their friends and say “Hey, I have a friend who just started a business. If you are in need of what he offers or you know someone who will need his services, would you please give my friend a call or make the referral to his business?”

If you can get even a portion of the people in your own circle of influence to actively refer your business, then you have built the foundation to build an advertising campaign even more effective than the average local television advertising campaign.

However if you are running a home based business that is on the internet, this means that you want the whole world to have access to it. In this case, you could also put up flyers in your home town at the local merchant and supermarket.

You can find many free online blogs, that will let you post a link to your site, and there are many places that you can get your name out there. The fact remains that you just have to do it – you have to spend several days surfing the web and getting your name out there in whatever way that you can.

Running a home based business offline or online is the same ,when It comes to advertising the affordable way. The point is that you must always remember to advertise or your business will die slowly because no one know where to find you.

Tove Kou

6 Responses to “Advertising Your Home Based Business the Affordable Way”

  1. cornpuff says:

    Ideas on passing out flyers to get the word out of a home-based business?
    I want to get the word out of a homebased business.. So I need any ideas on where to put flyers? Would it be bad to put them on the flags of mailboxes? Any other ideas on how to get the word out would be helpful to. I have over 200 flyers and can always make more. I am already advertising in the paper. My funds are kind of low so I’d like to find some great affordable solutions.

  2. amysgetaways says:

    If you don’t want to get into trouble, stay away from the mailboxes. Just put them at the doorknob. You can also see if any small restaurants and businesses will let you put a display with flyers in them at their business- you’d be surprised how many will say yes. Chinese restaurants usually cooperate, try laundromats and the public library (they sometimes have bulletin boards you can post on). Good luck.
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  3. Sue Bob says:

    First you need to figure out who your target market is…kids, parents, DINKs, elderly, religious, college students, etc. Then think about what they do and where they go. That is where you should put your flyers. Unless this is something that everyone would be interested in, don’t waste your time, money, and effort blanketing the streets to put the flyers on doors. And definately stay away from the mailboxes…you just may get charged with a federal offense!
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  4. Shorty says:

    Yeah.. I’d say stay away from the mailboxes. You can always post them on the cork boards at the Grocery Stores. Take some fliers and business cards to the local stores and shops, ask if you can put some out. Also, any word of mouth advertising is helpful. Ask your family and friends to help spread the word.
    Good Luck!
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  5. theosharatos says:

    It’s a federal offense to place them on mailboxes. I’ve placed my flyer with a rock in a plastic ziploc bag and thrown them down by the mailbox, although you might only get 1 response out of 100, but that’s better than nothing. I place my business card on bulletin boards at schools and grocery stores, but you need to return every few days to replace them. Jennifer
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  6. Paul U says:

    I have found that the best way to introduce any homebased business is to build a social network of like minded people. This establishes a form of relationship through which you can exchange common interests, ideas, concerns….and introduce your business opportunity.

    This is much easier than you would think. And you can do it for little or no cost.

    The system that is working fantasticly for me right now is called uVme

    This system combines the three powerful arenas of social networking, online skill gaming and network marketing.

    We are in the pre-release phase and I am looking to mentor a couple of key leaders that appreciate the value of getting in on the groundfloor. There is no cost to join and no cost to start building your business.

    I would be happy to discuss with you how this will compliment and accelerate your existing efforts.

    This is helping to explode my contact base.

    To your success!

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